When to hire an attorney

A legal referral may end up being a necessity in your life as you get older and end up dealing with a number of issues which had never come up before. An elder care attorney can help you legally and successfully deal with these issues, so if you are wondering whether it is time to hire an attorney, perhaps it is time for a legal referral.

Legal referrals can make choosing the perfect attorney for your specific situation much less daunting, as well as making you feel a bit more comfortable with the attorney you choose. After all, if you have received a legal referral for a particular lawyer, it likely means that someone else felt the attorney was good enough to refer. So, talk to trusted friends and family, as well as a family attorney, if you have one, and it’s a sure bet you will come away with the perfect legal referral.

Once you have received a legal referral, set up a meeting with the attorney, then ask some pertinent questions such as how long they have practiced their particular specialty and whether or not they are certified in elder law. Ask how much of the attorney’s practice is devoted to the specific area you need, and don’t forget to find out whether the initial consultation is free and what the long-term rates and billing policies are.

Legal Referral for Estate Planning

Estate planning is a critical reason you might need an attorney referral, and you definitely need one of the best estate planning attorneys around when you are talking about your assets and estate. You will want to make sure your estate is set up in the very most efficient manner and that you have all the necessary documents which have been legally and properly set up and signed.

You will want to discuss a regular will with your estate planning lawyer as well as a trust, POD and TOD beneficiary forms, how you will bequeath specific items to your heirs, setting up educational trusts, giving away a certain amount of your assets now, and how you and your healthcare issues will be addressed in the face of all eventualities.

Legal Referral for Insurance Claim or Settlement

Many times you may find yourself needing a legal referral to help you in a dispute with an insurance company, or an insurance claim or settlement. An elder care attorney can help advocate for you in situations such as these.

Legal Referral for Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security Benefits

If you have been denied benefits which you feel you are entitled to, it may be necessary for you to hire an attorney to negotiate on your behalf. When you are planning to retire, it’s important to determine your Medicare eligibility. Those who qualify for Social Security will automatically be eligible for Medicare, but even those who don’t qualify for Social Security may still be able to qualify. If you are also disabled, an elder care attorney may be able to direct you to a disability lawyer who can make sure you get the benefits you are entitled to.

Legal Referral for Elder Abuse and Neglect Issues

If you or a loved one has been or is being abused by a home health care worker, personnel in an assisted living facility, or even a hospital worker or family member, it’s a good idea to contact an elder care attorney. It is likely that, depending on the exact circumstances, your elder care attorney may refer you to a criminal law attorney in order to pursue legal remedies.

Legal Referral for Tax Issues

An elder care attorney can offer tax counseling for the elderly which can assist you in tax preparation as well as offer tax counseling for the coming years. Your elder care attorney can assist you in tax preparation, taking the deductions you are entitled to as well as help you get the IRS credit for the elderly or disabled.
A legal referral can be an incredibly important tool which will allow you to legally and successfully take care of any issues or problems you may be experiencing in your life as well as to plan for your future and that of your spouse and heirs.

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