What is Considered “Average” When You’re a Senior?

The topic of sex for elderly individuals is always going to garner a good deal of discussion and spark more than a few questions. As it turns out, seniors are in need to good sexual information just like most people, and the questions can, of course, run the full spectrum. One of the most frequently asked questions is, “What is considered average when you’re a senior?” and the answers to this question can be quite surprising.

Sex for Elderly Members of Society: Answering the Questions

It is very important to understand that sex varies from person to person and couple to couple. Further complicating matters is the fact that the frequency of sex can even vary depending upon what country one is from or lives in. That is right, the frequency of sex is actually different depending upon one’s roots.

Recent research by the University of Chicago on sex for elderly people indicated that 73% of people 57 to 64, 53% of those 64 to 75 and 26% of people 75 to 85 had sex in the year prior to the study. Of these seniors who reported they were having sex, most did it at least two to three times per month.

Health Impacts Sex for Elderly People

Another factor impacting the frequency of sex for elderly members of society is health. Health, not surprisingly, can play a very large role in the frequency of sex that one is having. This factor can hold true at any age. Even in young adults the frequency of sex is likely to go down when one is sick or recovering from a serious injury. Thus, seniors are quite likely to cut down on the frequency of sex simply because they are not feeling well enough to do so.

Plus, physical issues can arise. For example, andropause or “male menopause” generally occurs after the age of 50 to at least some degree. During this time, a man may feel his level of sexual interest decrease.

Personal Preferences Must Be Considered When it Comes to Sex for Elderly People

What is the “norm” for depends upon the person. In the case of sex, this is, of course, still true. The norm for one person may not be the norm for another. This fact means that numbers regarding frequency of sexual activity can be largely misleading, as it does depend upon the person. Further, the dynamic between couples varies as well with some couples having sex more often than others.

Retirement Impacts Sex for Elderly People

If you’re a senior who has not retired yet, you may find that punching a clock impacts your sex life. Perhaps you find that you have less energy than in your youth and when combined with working, well, your sex life be affected. However, once you have retired, this situation may reverse. Of course, if you are without a partner, it is time to consider the multitude of options for senior dating that are currently available.

The Temporary Nature of Sexual Frequency

You may very well discover the number of times that you have sex in a given week or month may vary dramatically for reasons that you can’t quite figure out. This is a fact that might be true for people of any age and not just when it comes to sex for elderly people.

Sex doesn’t occur in a vacuum and this means that whatever is going on in your life may very well be playing a role in the number of times that you are having sex in a month. If your job has become particularly stressful or you are experiencing family or medical problems, then these chaotic factors may negatively impact the level of sexual activity that you might experience.

Keeping in Contact with Your Doctor

In the end, it’s important that you don’t judge yourself against any set statistics, as there are many factors that can wildly change those numbers. However, if you feel that you have no sex drive, low sex drive or a sudden and unexplainable change in your sex drive, it is likely time to discuss this fact with your doctor. A change in sex drive can stem from hormonal changes or other problems, and this is something that your doctor should know about.

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