Security for the elderly encompasses a wide array of personal safety issues and devices. Living on your own is no cause for you to live…

Tips for Avoiding Probate Using Probate Lawyers

5 Ways to Add to Your Retirement Income

How to meet someone special in your community

You’re never too old for romance!

How can caregiver training benefit me?

Where to go for caregiver training classes

A safety checklist for personal safety
The benefits of rehabilitation communities after a major health issue
If you are currently considering assisted living communities and retirement communities, it is imperative to be sure they have good rehabilitation options. Many health issues…
Choosing the right diabetic shoes
If you have diabetes and have had trouble with your feet or finding shoes that allow you to walk comfortably, you may want to look…
5 Ways to Add to Your Retirement Income
While retiring from the corporate treadmill seems like a dream come true for many seniors, others either find they don’t have quite enough to make…
Practicing Good Senior Dental Health
While it’s nice to have a pretty smile as you grow older, there’s more to good dental hygiene than meets the eye. While we all…
How Senior Vision Problems Affect Your Eyes
One of the first things we start to notice as we age is that our eyesight isn’t as good as it once was. This is…
What you should know about Social Security income
Perhaps you have heard from a friend or associate that you should start looking into Social Security income. Many people aren’t aware of what Social…
Is a trust better than a will for you?
Trust and will preparation can be a potentially emotional subject, as it deals directly with estate planning—and estate planning generally means we must confront our…
When to hire an attorney
A legal referral may end up being a necessity in your life as you get older and end up dealing with a number of issues…
5 things you should know about probate and wills
The vast majority of probate cases revolve around Americans who are age 60 and over, so seniors need to be especially cognizant of probate and…