Retirement Social Security benefits are available to seniors who have worked for a designated period of time during their lives, and are now at an…

You’re never too old for romance!

5 Ways to Add to Your Retirement Income

How to meet someone special in your community

A safety checklist for personal safety

How can caregiver training benefit me?

Where to go for caregiver training classes

Tips for Avoiding Probate Using Probate Lawyers
Why Retirees Should Take Advantage of Pet Therapy
Therapy dogs for the elderly have garnered more and more interest in recent years. In this article, we will look at some of the reasons…
Going abroad in your retirement years
One of the things that many people look forward to as the age is finally having the chance to travel. Retirement provides the perfect opportunity…
Rekindling Love After Retirement
There are no written or unwritten laws that state that over 50 dating and older singles are “off the table.” The fact is that people…
10 Sensible Exercise Tips for Retiree Active Living
There are many changes that occur in aging bodies, but that doesn’t mean that elderly active living is out of the question. The fact is…
Should you buy supplemental health insurance?
Before you can decide if you should buy supplemental health coverage, you need to understand just what this type of insurance is, what it covers,…
What is Considered “Average” When You’re a Senior?
The topic of sex for elderly individuals is always going to garner a good deal of discussion and spark more than a few questions. As…
You’re never too old for romance!
If you are looking for love, it is important to realize that you are never too old for mature dating, whether it is through senior…
Where to go for caregiver training classes
Most all senior home care agencies will offer some form of caregiver training classes to their new hires, consisting of orientation, basic caregiver training and…
How can caregiver training benefit me?
When you think of caregiver training, it almost seems to be a misnomer. At first glance you may feel that caregiving for another is simply…