Before you can decide if you should buy supplemental health coverage, you need to understand just what this type of insurance is, what it covers, and what it costs. Then you need to compare what it offers relative to your healthcare needs. As with most things in life, there are situations where supplemental health coverage…
What is Considered “Average” When You’re a Senior?
The topic of sex for elderly individuals is always going to garner a good deal of discussion and spark more than a few questions. As it turns out, seniors are in need to good sexual information just like most people, and the questions can, of course, run the full spectrum. One of the most frequently…
You’re never too old for romance!
If you are looking for love, it is important to realize that you are never too old for mature dating, whether it is through senior dating websites, friends, social groups or activities. Just because you have passed an arbitrary age boundary and are now a “senior” doesn’t mean that you should stop dating. A discount…
Where to go for caregiver training classes
Most all senior home care agencies will offer some form of caregiver training classes to their new hires, consisting of orientation, basic caregiver training and continuing education seminars. Caregiver training classes can be invaluable in learning how to take care of the elderly. While many of us feel like caregiving is something which comes naturally,…
How can caregiver training benefit me?
When you think of caregiver training, it almost seems to be a misnomer. At first glance you may feel that caregiving for another is simply a natural occurrence. After all, we care for our children, our family, our friends, neighbors, co-workers, parents, and even ourselves. What could caregiver training offer us that we don’t already…
A safety checklist for personal safety
Security for the elderly encompasses a wide array of personal safety issues and devices. Living on your own is no cause for you to live alone or be isolated. However, most seniors need to take precautions to prevent themselves from becoming victims. Security for the elderly has become a necessity due to a society which…
The benefits of rehabilitation communities after a major health issue
If you are currently considering assisted living communities and retirement communities, it is imperative to be sure they have good rehabilitation options. Many health issues are of such a nature that a degree of rehabilitation is required. In this article, we will look at the benefits of rehabilitation and how using physical rehab services may…
Choosing the right diabetic shoes
If you have diabetes and have had trouble with your feet or finding shoes that allow you to walk comfortably, you may want to look into Medicare’s program that was made possible by the passage of the Therapeutic Shoe Bill. The bill allows seniors to get specially designed and fitted diabetic shoes and inserts that…
5 Ways to Add to Your Retirement Income
While retiring from the corporate treadmill seems like a dream come true for many seniors, others either find they don’t have quite enough to make ends meet or still want to do something meaningful in their retirement years. Not only does staying active and feeling like you’re contributing something put a little extra change in…
Practicing Good Senior Dental Health
While it’s nice to have a pretty smile as you grow older, there’s more to good dental hygiene than meets the eye. While we all know that it can lead to cavities and gum disease, poor dental health can also increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease and respiratory disease. When we’re young, our oral…