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How to meet someone special in your community

How can caregiver training benefit me?

A safety checklist for personal safety

You’re never too old for romance!

Tips for Avoiding Probate Using Probate Lawyers

5 Ways to Add to Your Retirement Income

Where to go for caregiver training classes
29 Senior Discounts To Offset Rising Prices
Retirement savings for seniors can be much more complex than you ever imagined, and it can seem that there just isn’t any money left at…
Financial Aid for Caregivers
Financial aid for caregivers is, unfortunately, not only difficult to find, but generally difficult to get. There are, however, a few programs which offer financial…
Nursing Home Attorneys and Handling Elder Abuse
If you suspect your elderly parents are victims of elder abuse, then you may have to research nursing home attorneys and find one who can…
Losing a Loved One — Steps for Moving On
If you have recently dealt with losing a loved one, especially the passing of a spouse, one of the last things that you are likely…
The Benefits of Care-Giving Support Groups
Care giving support groups are becoming a way of life for family caregivers. Deciding to participate in such a group or finding one that is…
Do I Need a License to be a Caretaker?
If you have considered becoming a caretaker, you may be wondering whether or not you need a license to do so. As it presently stands,…
Tips for Staying in Contact When You Live Far Away
There is no doubt that living far from loved ones can be challenging. It doesn’t matter whether the distance is a few hours by car…
Making New Friends After a Move to a Senior Community
There is no doubt that moving can be a challenging event in anyone’s life. The physical move itself can be hard, but more often moving…
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Seniors Reverse Mortgage
A seniors reverse mortgage can be a huge help for cash-strapped seniors who want to stay in their own homes but are besieged by ever…