Certain types of negative entries on your credit report can remain for up to 10 years. Almost all loans, credit cards, and many job applications ask for your permission to run a credit check. If you decline, in most cases you may not be eligible to receive the loan, credit card, and in some cases the job that you were applying for. Choose debt negotiation to remove the debt burden and avoid less than ideal credit. Learn more…
If you are truly having a difficult time paying the money you owe, debt settlement could help you. Once you have worked with your creditors and negotiated and paid your agreed settlement, you are basically debt free and typically in less time than if you tried to pay your debt on a standard repayment schedule.
Get Relief From Overwhelming Debts. Learn more…
Another benefit of debt settlement is the shorter period that the debt is paid back. In most cases, the shorter time will also result in fewer payments than the original debt.
Repay Your Debts in Less Time. As little as in 12 to 24 Months. Learn more…